With a keen sense for in person conversations on an eye level and extensive experience in telemarketing, we are able to place your messages precisely and efficiently with your customers. And that in both active and passive telephone conversations. That´s why our services therefore include outbound and inbound services.
Outbound-Marketing: Our team will actively acquire new customers for you at home and abroad, take care of customer care, decision maker identification, lead generation, demand assessment, trade fair invitations as well as trade fair preparation and follow-up, follow-up campaigns, address qualification, cross-selling and up-selling and much more.
Inbound-Marketing: Our team takes care of customer service, help desk and order acceptance for your domestic and international customers. If desired, we also support you in your daily back office routine.
Let us advise you.
We have not been disappointed and SIGN FOR COM has proved itself as a flexible partner who holds their promises.
Thanks to the competence, especially in the IT sector, we have always received high quality results from SIGN FOR COM.
With us as a strong partner you alleviate your sales team, expand your customer base, strengthen your customer loyalty and increase your sales. Request a free consultation now.